Hollinwood Academy

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Secondary RSE and SMSC

PSHE education isn’t just another school subject. It’s a chance to give every child and young person an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future.

PSHE Association 

HRE & RSE Curriculum Map

The aim of the Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum is to provide young people at Hollinwood Academy with the knowledge, understanding, and skills they need to make informed decisions, promote healthy relationships, and navigate the challenges of adolescence and adulthood confidently. This curriculum reflects our school's commitment to promoting equality, respect, and diversity, and aims to prepare our young people to contribute positively to society.

By providing all young people with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources, the RSE curriculum at Hollinwood Academy aims to foster independence and equip young people for their future outside of our school. Through a comprehensive approach, the curriculum allows young people to develop an understanding of their physical, social, and emotional needs. It empowers them with the knowledge and resources required to ensure their safety and apply these skills effectively in modern-day Britain.

Moreover, the RSE curriculum is adapted to meet the specific needs of our young people with learning needs. We acknowledge the importance of providing a tailored and inclusive education that caters to the diverse needs of our young people, ensuring that they receive the necessary support and guidance in this important aspect of their education.

The RSE curriculum at Hollinwood Academy aims to empower our young people to make informed decisions, maintain healthy relationships, and face the challenges of adulthood confidently. By promoting equality, respect, and diversity, we prepare our young people to contribute positively to society and equip them with the skills needed to thrive beyond their time at our school.

Schemes of Work

Hollinwood Academy, following the National Curriculum in England, has developed its own Schemes of Work for Relationships and RSE. These schemes have been designed with recommendations from the PSHE Association, ensuring they meet the highest educational standards.

PSHE association

Our aim is to provide age-appropriate content and guidance, ensuring that our young people receive a comprehensive education in relationships and sexual education. The content covered will be in line with the broad pillars of the curriculum, including:

  • Healthy bodies and lifestyles: Our young people will learn about the importance of safety, understanding puberty, and the potential risks and consequences of drug and alcohol use.

  • Healthy minds: Emotional wellbeing, resilience, and mental health will also be integral aspects of our RSE curriculum. We believe in equipping our young people with the skills and knowledge to maintain a positive mental state.

  • Economic wellbeing and financial capability: As part of our comprehensive approach to RSE, we will also incorporate elements of economic wellbeing and financial literacy into our curriculum.

Complying with the statutory RSE policy outlined by the Department of Education, our Schemes of Work reflect our commitment to providing a robust educational experience that prepares our students for the challenges of adult life.

The SMSC curriculum is accessed and celebrated by our young people, on three separate occasions within the academic year, formally known to our staff, young people, and families as ‘Super Learning Day (SLD)’. During SLD, young people engage with various activities that promote their development in these areas.

· Spiritual Development – Activities focus on our relationship with others, changes over time (rites of passage), focusing on Mental Health, keeping calm and how we each impact each other, and how religion supports this.

· Moral Development – explores concepts of right and wrong, good and evil, by examining teachings from different religions such as the Bible, Koran, and Torah. Young people are encouraged to reflect on similarities, differences, and the value of these teachings in guiding ethical decision-making.

· Social and Cultural Development – Activities aim to raise awareness, foster understanding, and promote appreciation of diverse cultures, religions, and beliefs in contemporary society. These activities also facilitate the development of skills that enable young people to build positive relationships and contribute to the overall well-being of all individuals within the community.

RSE Long Term Plan

Curriculum Adaptations and Pedagogy

The curriculum adaptations and pedagogy at Hollinwood Academy is centered around meeting the unique needs and abilities of every learner, ensuring equal opportunities for academic, personal, and social development. The primary goals include:

1. Inclusivity: Adapt the curriculum to ensure that all learners have access to quality education, regardless of their individual needs.

2. Adaptive Teaching: Provide personalised learning experiences that cater to the diverse abilities, interests, and learning styles of the children and young people.

3. Progression: Foster a holistic and sequential approach to learning, allowing children and young people to build on their prior knowledge, skills, and understanding from their identified starting points.

4. Empowerment: Develop independent learners who are equipped with the skills, resilience, and self-confidence required to succeed academically and, in their future lives.
Curriculum Adaptations and Pedagogy


The assessment of RSE at Hollinwood Academy is conducted using the Evidence for Learning and Arbor systems. These platforms allow us to track and monitor the attainment of all our learners effectively and efficiently. To ensure that our staff are equipped to deliver sensitive topics within RSE, they have received explicit training on subject knowledge and strategies.

Super Learning Day (SLD) is an integral part of our SMSC curriculum, which is accessed and celebrated by our young people three times a year. SLD provides a formal opportunity for our staff and young people to come together and explore various aspects of spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development.

We strive to provide our young people with opportunities and experiences that are global in nature while also recognising and highlighting the importance of British values.

To offer individualised support, each young person in our school has personalised RSE progress targets. We closely track their progress and share these targets with parents on a termly basis via Arbor, our digital communication platform. We aim to ensure that every young person develops a strong foundation in personal, social, health, and relationships education.

Technology & Websites

Technology plays a crucial role in the RSE curriculum. It enables young people to record and showcase their learning through platforms like Showbie.  The use of technology removes barriers to learning, allowing our young people to demonstrate their understanding and knowledge. It also supports their desired outcomes and contributes to their Education, Health, and Care Plan (ECHP) targets.

Teachers can adapt tasks for young people, and the holistic approach of technology aids in enhancing learning outcomes. By considering different learning styles, visual resources such as clips, animations, and descriptions provide young people with communicating their learning and understanding of concepts.

Furthermore, technology serves as an alternative recording mechanism to writing, removing barriers to learning, text-to-speech functions enable students to assess the effectiveness of their writing and make necessary amendments.

In the realm of SMSC development, technology allows all young people to engage and demonstrate understanding. It provides age-appropriate delivery of learning, allowing access to religious stories and meaningful content that resonates with everyone. Technology also facilitates exploration of elements of religion, including stories, quotes, and religious figures.


Wider Curriculum & Celebrations

E-Safety Week Spring 2024

Children's Mental Health Week