Hollinwood Academy

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The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.

Barrack Obama 

Geography Curriculum Map

At Hollinwood, Geography is delivered as an immersive approach for all children and young people, designed to provide them with an understanding of the world locally, nationally, and globally, both past and present. Our aim is for all children and young people to develop an inquiring approach to learning and the world around them.

Specifically, in Geography, our objective is to ensure that teaching equips children and young people with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources, and natural and human environments. We strive to develop their understanding of the Earth's key physical and human processes at an appropriate level for each learner.

Through our curriculum, we encourage children and young people to explore the world's regions, cultures, and physical features. They will learn about different climates, ecosystems, and how humans interact with their environment. By studying Geography, children and young people gain a sense of place, understand the interconnectedness of the world, and develop critical thinking skills.

By the end of their primary education at Hollinwood Academy, children and young people will have acquired a solid foundation of geographic knowledge and skills, allowing them to become informed global citizens who value and respect the world in which they live.

Geography Lessons at Hollinwood Academy

At Hollinwood Academy, our geography lessons aim to provide all children and young people access to a comprehensive and well-rounded curriculum. Our focus is to enable them to develop essential skills and knowledge in the field of geography.

We believe in fostering a learning environment that encourages children and young people to ask thought-provoking questions, seek answers, form opinions, and cultivate new skills. By engaging them in interactive discussions and practical activities, we strive to nurture their curiosity and critical thinking abilities.

Moreover, Hollinwood Academy recognises the importance of fostering children and young people's awareness of why the world around them is the way it is. Through our geography lessons, we aim to cultivate their understanding of global issues, cultural diversity, and sustainable development. By doing so, we empower them to become informed and responsible global citizens.

In line with the 2014 National Curriculum in England, our geography lessons establish a solid foundation for children and young people who wish to pursue qualifications in secondary education. By equipping them with essential geographical knowledge, skills, and understanding, we prepare them for future academic endeavours.

At Hollinwood Academy, we are committed to providing high-quality geography education that not only meets the standards set by the curriculum but also engages and inspires our children and young people. Through engaging lessons, interactive activities, and real-world examples, we aim to ignite a lifelong passion for geography in every child and young person who enters our classrooms.

Schemes of Work

Our Geography schemes of work follow the 2014 National Curriculum in England, providing a well-rounded education for our children and young people. To guide our planning and delivery, we utilise the Kapow schemes of work.

Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme of work is designed to inspire pupils to think like geographers, encouraging curiosity and exploration. We aim to cultivate a diverse knowledge of the world, enabling our children and young people to question, observe, measure, record, analyse, and present their findings. Through our scheme of work, we strive to create an awareness of how Geography shapes our lives at multiple scales and over time, with the ultimate goal of fostering resourceful, active citizens who can contribute to and improve the world around them.

Hollinwood Academy’s schemes focuses on developing both geographical skills and knowledge, while promoting critical thinking with the ability to ask perceptive questions and explain and analyse evidence. Fieldwork skills are developed across each year group, allowing children and young people to engage with their surroundings and understand their locality in relation to other areas of the world. We also emphasise the growth of children and young people’s understanding of geographical concepts, terms, and vocabulary.

By utilising Kapow Primary’s Geography scheme of work, our children and young people can effectively meet the end of key stage attainment targets in the National Curriculum. The aims of our scheme also align with those set out in the National Curriculum. For Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the activities within the scheme allow children and young people to work towards the ‘Understanding the world’ Development Matters statements and Early Learning Goals. Furthermore, these activities provide a foundation of knowledge that will support their further learning in Key Stage 1.

Hollinwood Academy’s Geography schemes of work provide a comprehensive and engaging approach to the study of Geography, enabling our children and young people to develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and understanding required to thrive in the subject.


To learn more about the Kapow Scheme of Work and its implementation in our school, please visit: https://www.kapowprimary.com/


Geography Long Term Plan 

Communication Geography Curriculum

Our Geography curriculum for communication classes is designed to provide a cross-curricular approach with a strong emphasis on communication. We carefully select theme based topics based on the curriculum stage of each child and young person, as well as the specific topic being covered.

In our Attention Autism sessions, teachers introduce key geography concepts and vocabulary to enhance engagement and learning. Under the engagement model, we have found that 'Attention Autism' is a highly effective method to promote independence and facilitate overall development. By utilising these alternative approaches, we believe that all children and young people can thrive.

Our holistic approach to geography education integrates communication skills and alternative teaching methods, creating an enriching and inclusive learning environment. During these sessions, children and young people are taught a range of skills, including engagement, responsiveness, exploration, perseverance, initiative, anticipation, and communication. By fostering these abilities, we aim to empower our learners and instil a genuine love for learning. 

Curriculum Adaptations and Pedagogy

The curriculum adaptations and pedagogy at Hollinwood Academy is centered around meeting the unique needs and abilities of every learner, ensuring equal opportunities for academic, personal, and social development. The primary goals include:

1. Inclusivity: Adapt the curriculum to ensure that all learners have access to quality education, regardless of their individual needs.

2. Adaptive Teaching: Provide personalised learning experiences that cater to the diverse abilities, interests, and learning styles of the children and young people.

3. Progression: Foster a holistic and sequential approach to learning, allowing children and young people to build on their prior knowledge, skills, and understanding from their identified starting points.

4. Empowerment: Develop independent learners who are equipped with the skills, resilience, and self-confidence required to succeed academically and, in their future lives.
Curriculum Adaptations and Pedagogy


An enquiry-based approach to learning is implemented in our teaching of Geography, allowing teachers to assess children and young people against the National Curriculum expectations. Kapow Primary's scheme provides ongoing opportunities for both formative and summative assessments, enabling the constant monitoring of its impact.

In each lesson, teachers are given guidance on how to assess children and young people's progress in relation to the learning objectives. Additionally, every unit incorporates a unit quiz and knowledge catcher, which can be utilised to assess children and young people’s understanding at the start or end of the unit. The assessment process within each unit also includes opportunities for children and young people to present their findings using their geographical skills.

For children and young people who may be performing below the National Curriculum standards, we employ the use of pre-key stage standards as a means of assessment. This helps us to track their progress and adapt our teaching strategies accordingly. In scenarios where children and young people are still working below pre-key stage standards, the Engagement model of learning is employed, which takes their individual learning needs into account and provides a personalised assessment approach.

To ensure personalised support, each child and young person has individualised geography progress targets. These targets are closely monitored, and we maintain a strong partnership with parents by sharing them on a termly basis via Arbor, our digital communication platform.


We firmly believe in the power of technology to enhance learning, and we have made it an integral part of our geography curriculum. At the primary stage, we embrace the use of iPads and other technological tools, enabling all children and young people to engage actively with their learning. By utilising these resources, we aim to remove barriers and make geography accessible for every child and young person.

All children and young people have access to a wide range of interactive geography and learning apps, including:

Ks1 BBC Bitesize:  KS1 Geography - BBC Bitesize

Ks2 BBC Bitesize:  KS2 Geography - BBC Bitesize

Primary Geography Association:  Home - Geographical Association (geography.org.uk)

National Geographic Kids:  National Geographic Kids


To further consolidate learning, we also incorporate various interactive geography games into our lessons. These games provide children and young people with opportunities to apply their geography knowledge in a stimulating and enjoyable way. By making use of technology in such a manner, we not only enhance understanding but also instil a love for geography in our children and young people. At Hollinwood Academy, we firmly believe that by embracing technology, we can empower our children and young people to overcome challenges and reach their full potential in geography and beyond.

Wider Curriculum and Celebrations

Children and young people visit a range of exciting journeys to enrich their wider curriculum of geography at Hollinwood Academy. Through outdoor education lessons, they have the opportunity to explore a diverse array of places, enhancing their understanding of local and place knowledge. Excursions include visits to Daisy Nook, local town centres, and nearby parks. These experiences enable our children and young people to develop a deeper appreciation for their surroundings and foster a greater sense of community. By visiting these environments, children and young people can make connections between their classroom learning and the real world, promoting a well-rounded education.