Hollinwood Academy

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  • Everyone Learning

Vision & Ethos

At the heart of the school’s mission,“Learning together, learning for all, learning for life,”is the belief that all pupils, whatever their background or ability, will be successful and valued.

Our vision and ethos are reflected through the curriculum and provide:

  • a high quality alternative to mainstream provision in which children with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) or Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) across the 4 to 19 age range thrive
  • aspirational adult outcomes for all our pupils and students
  • a broad and balanced curriculum aimed at creating an educational experience that is focused upon and therefore prepares young people for adult life. The curriculum offer conforms to national government expectations, catering for a broad range of abilities by providing a number of learning pathways that lead to a variety of post school destinations
  • a physical environment and teaching approaches that have been created in response to sensitivity to the particular needs of children with autism
  • a wide range of opportunities to access external agencies such as occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy to support individual needs
  • an inclusive environment in which pupils feel safe, confident, are happy and make outstanding progress academically, socially and in the development of their independence skills
  • strong partnerships with the families of pupils and collaboration with a range of other agencies, creating a caring and friendly learning environment in which pupils make outstanding progress
  • a school which is socially viable, enabling pupils to make friendship choices from within their own peer groups
  • an ‘all-through’ experience offering continuity and a familiar environment for pupils, ensuring stress-free transitions as they progress through their school life
  • support services to the families of our pupils
  • a positive choice for parents and carers