HWA Blog - 7.2.25
This week marked Children’s Mental Health week and the children and young people took part in a kindness project where classes exchanged a handmade gift between classes. We also had a kindness rock challenge where students solved a clue each day to find the kindness rock that was hidden in the grounds.
Students also took part in lessons around this year’s theme ‘Know yourself, grow yourself’’.
Children's Mental Health Week (7.2.25)
Next week, we finish for half term on Friday 14th February and school reopens to the children and young people on Tuesday 25th February. We are also busy finalising and stocking our holiday club offer for those children and young people attending.
On Monday 24th February we have a whole school INSET day that is dedicated to staff professional development so we can better support our children and young people. I am a firm believer in continuous professional development for all as it allows me to empower our staffing team in delivering high-quality education. When teachers, as learners themselves, base their everyday practice on an updated, coherent and integrated professional knowledge base, this leads to improvements in outcomes for all our children and young people. We listen to staff voice and look at our areas of improvement and plan accordingly so this supports the whole school. I’m really looking forward to the INSET day that we have planned and I know the staff are too.
Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Mrs Quinn’s class…
"In Mrs Quinn’s class we have had an incredibly fun and engaging half term, our topic is ‘In the Garden’ and in English this week we have been listening to our new story ‘Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell’ by Sue Hendra. The plot of our story follows Norman, the slug who longs to be a snail but first he needs to find a shell! He tries some funny things including a tennis ball and an apple until he stumbles upon a doughnut! The glittery illustrations have made it even more enjoyable for the children. The children have been exploring a variety of activities linked to the story including fluffy slime, numbered picture puzzles, matching games, fingerprint patterns and how many sprinkles go on the doughnut, roll the dice to see.
The curiosity lessons with building with blocks, dressing the bears, tracing chalk numbers outside using water and rolling balls ‘under’ homemade paper tunnels have proved a fantastic way to keep the children engaged and learning through play. A firm favourite during our curiosity lessons this half term has been dressing up for many of our class children!
It has been wonderful to see how our everyday maths opportunities have been integrated into the activities that the children have encountered this week like George independently counting the animals during ‘preparation for learning’ time and tracing numerals with water outside.
The woven hearts for kindness week and the balance practice in PE, along with music lessons and outdoor education, have proved a well-rounded approach to their learning. Visiting the library was a highlight too!
It looks like next week will be just as exciting with more activities related to ‘Norman the Slug with the Silly Shell’ and special Valentine’s preparations. What a lovely way to end our half term!"
JQN - 7.2.25
Now to Mrs Bottery’s form…
"This week, the students of 8HBY have been putting their knowledge of how rainforest animals are adapted to good use by designing their own rainforest animal. Mrs Bottery was so impressed with their work that she had to give the whole class star of the week for their amazing ideas and explanations – well done everyone!
In Outdoor Education, the class visited a local café in Alexandra Park. They practised ordering at the counter and they enjoyed their purchases.
In Food the students have been practising making mashed potato. They will be practising different things each week, building to making a cottage pie – delicious!
During EHCP, the class have been working on recognising potential scams. They learnt about the 4 different types and then identified examples for each.
Keep up the hard work 8HBY."
HBY - 7.2.25
Now to Miss Daniel’s form…
"This week, 11ADS have been working extremely hard in all lessons throughout the curriculum leading up to the February half term.
They have produced some amazing work in science, showing their knowledge of chemistry and wrote some amazing creative pieces in English.
We cannot wait to see how much further they develop in the coming months as they are working so hard in the terms leading up to their exams, we see it more every day.
Well done 11 ADS!"
ADS - 7.2.25
Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We are Innovative STARs...
Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Sienna for showing great interest in our volcanic explosion experiment.
Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We are Innovative STAR is Nico for creating a super volcano using paper and a plastic bottle.
Mrs Sutcliffe’s STAR of the week is Albi for an amazing week and a fantastic attitude to his learning.
Miss Sutcliffe’s HWA We are Innovative STAR is Kian for showing innovation in DT this week, designing and making a puppet.
Miss Oakley’s STAR of the week is Libby for showing fantastic turn taking in lessons and always trying hard to answer questions.
Miss Oakley’s HWA We are Innovative STAR is Eliora for creating fantastic instructions and presenting her work beautifully.
Miss Bailey’s STAR of the week is Noel for wonderful work in communication and modelling good behaviour all week.
Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Riley for his first time waving independently at school this week.
Mrs Quinn’s HWA We are Innovative STAR is Roma for an engaging reading experience, turning the pages independently.
Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Roman, for joining yoga with his friends for the first time!
Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA We are Innovative STAR is Harrison, for conducting his own ‘Plants – Dark and Light’ experiment at home! You are a super scientist, Harrison!
Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Mysha for some lovely independent maths this week.
Mr Corrigan’s HWA We are Innovative star is Louis for wonderful engagement with the English story map this week.
Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to George, Kai and Louis. Well done!
Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Maleek for having a fantastic week
Mrs Davies’ HWA We are Innovative STAR is Olly for independently finding and requesting resources needed to complete tasks.
Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Jared for playing nicely with others in soft play
Miss Gittins’ HWA We are Innovative STAR is Brooke for being a great friend to others in her new class.
STARS of the Week (7.2.25)
Scientists of the week is Logan from Miss Matthew’s class.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Millard