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HWA Blog - 5.7.24


I cannot believe that I am sat here writing another blog, this week has gone by so quickly. 

On Thursday, all of our primary children visited the Children’s Adventure Farm Trust as their end of year reward trip. All the children had the opportunity to feed the variety of animals, explore the forest school and had lots of fun in the adventure playground. Thanks to Mr Heap for organising a fantastic trip and a special thanks to all of the staff that supported on the farm trip. You have all made it a memorable experience for our children at Hollinwood Academy. Here is a sneak preview of the pictures as this will feature in our Summer newsletter… 

Farm (5.7.24)


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s class… 


"This week in KS2CML/VBD the children have had a lovely week. They explored local rivers in Geography and researched fun facts to make a rivers information mind map.  

In PSHRE the children learnt all about what marriage is and created informative posters to present to their peers.  

The children have been cycling at a community in Cheadle for the past few weeks as part of Outdoor Education – they really enjoy the course and the small community where they learn about road safety and rules of the road.  

On Thursday the children visited CAFT adventure farm in Altringham, they had a lovely day seeing all the animals and roasting marshmallows around the fire pit.  

The children had their final transition this week and spent the morning on Friday in their new class, they are all excited for the upcoming year! We ended the week in KS2CML/VBD with our Science lesson – the children made short videos on human impact on food chains. They presented their video to their peers.  

During English this week, we have been exploring persuasive writing – the children contributed to a shared write with Miss McDonald to persuade Mrs Millard to let them go and see Inside Out 2 at the cinema! We received the news on Friday and Mrs Millard has agreed to the trip! The children were elated." 

CML VBD - 5.7.24


Now to Mrs Duffy’s form… 


"With just two weeks left until the summer holidays, the excitement in our classroom is palpable. Our students are doing their best in lessons while eagerly chatting about their upcoming vacations to sunny destinations like Turkey and Greece. It seems like everyone is missing the sunshine that has mysteriously disappeared lately. Logan has been missing the bright weather so much that he’s become our very own human sunflower, bringing a bit of sunshine to our days!

In Food Technology this week, Liam, Ivy, Matthew, and Nicholas took on the challenge of making fresh pasta from scratch. Using ‘00’ flour and eggs, they created and rolled out pasta dough, which they then layered to make a mouth-watering courgette lasagne. This delicious dish followed a series of reduction sauces including Spaghetti Bolognese, Cottage Pie, and Chilli Con Carne. Our young chefs are truly mastering their culinary skills!

We were thrilled to see Akeem showcasing his keyboard skills in music class. He always gives his best in every lesson, and we are so proud to have him in our form. His dedication and talent are truly inspiring!

During Outdoor Education, the class visited the local Leisure Centre to explore the pool and various sporting facilities. This hands-on experience complements their physical education lessons, where they’ve been participating in a wide range of sports including long jump and relay races. It’s been fantastic to see the students enjoying and excelling in these activities.

This week, we’re incredibly proud of Nicholas for his impressive mathematical skills. Mrs. Potts has noticed significant improvement and is delighted with his effort. Keep up the great work, Nicholas!

In ICT, the students have been designing logos, and Matthew has really shone in this area. His creativity and enthusiasm for technology are evident, and it’s wonderful to see him excel in his favourite subjects.

Maddie has been working in a friendship group during interventions, where they’ve been planning a mini party. The students discussed snacks, games, and shared stories about their weekends and upcoming plans. It’s heartwarming to see their conversations flow so naturally, building strong connections along the way.

This term, we welcomed two new teaching assistants, Mrs. Grimes and Mrs. Lennon, who joined Mrs. Brown in supporting our students. They’ve been forming incredible relationships with the students and are thoroughly enjoying their time at Hollinwood Academy. Our team, including all the students, has created a warm and friendly environment for everyone to flourish.

Alexis, our creative writer and avid reader, has taken on the role of organising our form’s football games. She’s been diligently updating the scores each day. The staff have even organised a prize kitty, and Mrs. Grimes has made a Haribo bouquet for the lucky winner. We’re all eagerly awaiting the finals to see who will take home the prize!

As this is the last blog of Year 8, it’s hard to believe our students will soon be entering Year 9. Where has the time gone? As we near the end of the school year, it’s wonderful to see the close connections growing between our students. Their interactions, laughter, and solid friendships are evident in everything they do.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. Here’s to a fantastic end to the school year and an exciting summer ahead!"

GDY - 5.7.24


Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We Trust STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STARs of the week are All the children in Reception Class for exceptional behaviour at the farm. Miss Emma is so proud of you. 

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We Trust STAR is Teddy for using his voice to ask for help when he needs it!  

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Harrison for having an amazing week and engaging in every lesson. Well done!  

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA We Trust STAR is Teddy for doing his best with self-regulation and trying his best to maintain positive relationships with other pupils. Well done! 

Miss Oakley’s STARs of the week are the whole class for a great trip to the farm, we are so proud of you all. 

Miss Bailey’s STARs of the week are the whole class for being absolute superstars during our farm trip this week!  

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is William who can now put his shoes on all by himself -well done William, you have now achieved it! 😊 

Mrs Quinn’s HWA We Trust STAR is Olly for fantastic engagement throughout the whole day on the farm trip this week! 

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Stanley for wonderful waiting and listening on the farm trip. 

Mr Corrigan’s HWA We Trust star is Faiha for being a wonderful reading partner in Phonics this week. 

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Louis and Faiha. Well done!  

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s STAR of the week is Shane for always making the right choice and trying his best. 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s HWA We Trust STARs are all the children for being passionate about our shared persuasive writing in English. 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s Dojo winners are Jason, Shane, David. Well done! 

Miss Hulme’s STAR of the week is Alice for always being so kind and caring towards her peers. 

Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Maleek for getting on the bus and participating with Outdoor Education all week! 

Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Zakaroya for excellent geography contributions. 

Miss Gittins’ HWA We Trust STAR is Caitlin for being a role model to others on the farm trip. 

Miss Matthew’s HWA We Trust STAR are Lucas, Renico and Rafael for setting a perfect example to the other children at the farm. 

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is Lottie for having a positive attitude to her new school. 

Miss Tootill’s HWA We Trust STAR is Dylan for working hard in all his lesson and having a positive attitude in school. 

STARS of the Week (5.7.24)



Scientists of the week is Jack from Mrs Lerigo’s class 😊 


ELO Scientist of the Week



Next week is equally as busy, on Monday and Tuesday, Mr Heap, Miss Callaghan, Mr Ottaway and Mr Leeson are supporting our year 10 students on their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's expedition at Castleshaw. I hope the weather remains nice for them. 

On Wednesday we have our secondary rewards trip to Ashton Cineworld: cinema, food and bowling and on Thursday and Friday we have the year 6 residential to Gulliver’s World – we love to make memorable trips with our children and young people and they make us very proud as they try new activities and environments for the first time.  


Have a wonderful weekend.  

Mrs Millard