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HWA Blog - 28.6.24


We had another busy week at Hollinwood Academy!! 
On Tuesday and Wednesday, our current year 10 forms NNL and MBL started their GCSE geography coursework to three different rivers sites. The sites they visited were Rocha Vale, Daisy Nook and Clayton Vale. At each site, the students worked in teams to complete a primary data sheet. They had to measure the width, depth and velocity of each river. Each student showed good communication skills, using geographical language when communicating with each other and staff. They showed willingness and positivity to enter the river to take their measurements and teamwork was clearly displayed throughout the full day.  


A good two days was had by all, and staff were very proud of the student's commitment and resilience throughout the day. Well done Year 10.

Geography Field Trip


Our year 11 students that are remaining at Hollinwood Academy have a busy few weeks ahead of them as they are accessing work experience, travel training and trips to their KS5 provision next year. Mrs Needham had the privilege of observing Kurt in a maths lesson, where he took on the role of a maths TA for a Year 7 class. Kurt's proficiency in mathematics was impressive, and his ability to articulate and explain mathematical concepts was exceptional. Mrs Needham expressed great pride in Kurt's accomplishments and is looking forward to seeing other Key Stage 4 students in work experience activities scheduled for the following week. Kurt's experience has not only honed his mathematical skills but has also significantly enhanced his confidence in communication, demonstrated by his willingness to address the class directly. 


We also welcomed the majority of the year 11 students back Thursday and Friday as they enjoyed their Alton Towers residential. Students and staff had a brilliant time and we will be showcasing this in the Summer newsletter.  


On Friday, we held our second transition sessions for primary and the new year 7 cohort in September 2024. It was fantastic to see the new year 7 students that are new to the school access their form rooms without their familiar member of staff from their primary school – what an achievement. I am so pleased to say that all of our primary children and new year 7 students have really taken to their new classrooms and teachers. The last transition sessions are next Friday. We will also be welcoming out new Reception cohort into school on Wednesday 5th July to meet Mrs Lerigo and find their feet in their new classroom, ready for September. We can’t wait for you to join Hollinwood Academy.  


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Miss Bramley’ class… 

"We have had a fantastic week, this week we have been making the most of the warm weather and making sure we have had lots of water play and experiments and we have ensured plenty opportunities for outdoor learning.  The children have enjoyed reading our new talk for writing story chicken clicking. This is a story about online safety, we have been discussion ways in which we can keep ourselves and our personal data safe online. We now know not to share any personal information online and ensure we have strong passwords and that we should not talk to people we do not know. The children decided it was a good idea to always show a trusted adult what they have been doing on their devices. 😊   

In Maths this week we have been consolidating our place value knowledge and skills and introducing the topic: Money. The children have had a great start to this topic, they can recognise coins and notes and can count the coins to find the total amount. They have loved learning through play with the toy shop set up with the use of a till. 

 As part of our Geography lesson, we have been discussing the change in the seasons and what the weather is like in the UK, we went for a walk around the school grounds to spot the changes we can see in our environment that are due to the change in season. We have also started to look at the features we can see at the coast and being able to define what the coast is.   

In science we have been investigating where are food comes from and we have identified that most of our food comes from plants or animals. This week we have been focusing on the plants that give us food and what types of food these are. 


In Art we have been looking at creative ways how to make jewellery, we decided to use pasta to make necklaces and bracelets, the children first painted the pasta then added beads and glitter to make their pieces of Jewellery really stand out. 

We can’t wait to have lots more fun learning the rest of this term 😊 "

GBY - 28.6.24



Now to Miss Byrne’s form… 


"8SBY have had a super few weeks!  

We have had fun beginning our transition into year 9, meeting our new teacher for next year and are having fun getting to know her. 

We have also had an exciting time in science where we have been going into the lab with Mrs Daniels. We have all managed to achieve our Bunsen burner license and then used this to safely burn magnesium. We have all worked really hard and are really excited about using the science lab more next year! 

In English we have been consolidating some of our skills and completing beautiful pieces of writing about big moments in history.  

In our intervention lessons we have been working really hard with communication and team work completing Lego therapy and working on how we use our language to be clear and concise.  

We are all really looking forward to the reward trip, summer fair and summer holidays after working hard this academic year! Well done everyone! "


Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We Trust STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Teddy for coming into school and settling into his work well!  

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We Trust STAR is Albi for walking to the bus calmly all week 😊 

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Roma for engaging in English and recreating the story timeline by drawing it. Well done! 

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA We Trust STAR is Diana for bringing a daily smile to other children's faces. Well done Diana! 

Miss Oakley’s STAR of the week is Euan for a great transition morning to his new class. 

Miss Oakley’s HWA We Trust STAR is Ziyan for playing nicely alongside his friends, sharing and taking turns.  

Miss Bailey’s STAR of the week is Maja for Using some new words in her play and repeating a variety of words and phrases said by an adult. 

Miss Bailey’s HWA We Trust STAR is Noel for Playing nicely alongside his friends in the water and making requests without prompting. 

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Olly who has been saying many new words this week and my trust star is Riley for great effort in his phonics lessons. 

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Lewis for an excellent transition morning. 

Mr Corrigan’s HWA We Trust star is Simisola for coping well with change today. 

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Maya, Stanley, Faiha, Simisola and Lewis.  

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s STAR of the week is Logan for remaining on task and always making the right choice 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s HWA We Trust STAR is David for his enthusiasm in his writing this week 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s Dojo winner is Loki. Well done! 

Miss Hulme’s STAR of the week is Brooke for fabulous independent writing in English. 


Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Joshua for doing amazing work in all his lessons this week. 

Miss Gittins’ HWA We Trust STAR is Nabiha for doing excellent listening on Outdoor Education and keeping herself safe! 

Miss Gittins’ Super Spellers are… Well done! 

Miss Matthew’s STAR of the week is Corey for some great answers in science! 

Miss Matthew’s STAR We Trust STAR is Lucas for being a respectful, caring friend to others in class. 

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is Lottie for talking to adults and being brave. 

Miss Tootill’s HWA We Trust STAR is Zack for trusting new adults in transitions.  

STARS of the Week (28.6.24)


Scientists of the week is Maya from Miss Bailey’s class 😊 


As we approach the end of the academic year, your child’s end-of-year report will be sent home on Monday 1st July. These will be sent to families via Arbor so please look out for these. If you have any questions regarding your child’s report please speak to your class/form teacher or subject teacher at secondary. I have been reading the reports this week and it is just amazing to read the fabulous progress that our children and young people have made over the academic year.   


Mrs Millard