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HWA Blog - 22.11.24


Firstly, I must say well done to our KS4 students as they finish week two of their mocks. This week they have sat: Creative iMedia, Geography paper 1, Chemistry, Maths paper 2, Geography paper 2, Food Technology and Spanish listening mock GCSEs. Yet again, they have faced their exams with great resilience and maturity in preparation for their actual GCSE examinations. Well done, I know you will approach next week with the same determination. One more week to go – keep working hard.

On Wednesday morning, we had our Super Learning Day which focused on our Artsmark journey. Children and young people thought about our school culture and discussed what they loved about our school. These things included topics from their friends and teachers and lessons to the places they visit on outdoor education. Students then created pictures, drawings, writing and creative activities that represented these ideas. In January, we have a very special guest artist coming in to work with our students and use some of these designs to create “Our School Culture” logo. Exciting times ahead for our Artsmark journey.

Artsmark Morning


Our primary corridor is starting to get in the festive swing as they are practicing their singing, signing and lines for our Christmas Nativity: The Honky Tonky Donkey. This year, Mr Challinor is bringing back the Christmas Nativity that will include all of our primary children and you will all know that this is one of my highlights of the year – I can’t wait.


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Miss Oakley’s class…


"We have been so busy since coming back to school after the half term, the children have been brilliant and eager to learn in all areas.

In English, we are creating a suspense story with inspiration from the book ‘Cave Baby’. From the beginning the children have enjoyed telling spooky suspense stories to try and scare their friends and the teachers. We have been exploring different features you would find in a suspense text such as powerful verbs, exclamation marks and even adverbial openers. We have practised using all of these in our own writing so that when it comes to the innovation stage, we can create the most amazing suspense story.

In maths, we are currently concentrating on the fundamental skills of adding and subtracting within and beyond 100. To support our learning, we are initially using practical activities involving base 10 materials. This hands-on approach helps to solidify the understanding of these essential concepts before we move on to the formal written methods. The children have blown all the staff away with their mathematician minds.

In our PSHRE sessions, we are exploring health and wellbeing, particularly how to take care of our bodies physically and mentally. Our discussions have centred around the importance of a balanced diet and the beneficial effects of physical activity. We have also introduced yoga stretches as a relaxing practice to help manage stress and promote mindfulness. It has been wonderful to see the children engage with these topics and understand the importance of feeling good about themselves. 

In Geography, we are delving into the intriguing big question, “Why do people live near volcanoes?” The children have been actively exploring the Earth’s layers and discussing the formation of mountains. This topic has not only stimulated their curiosity about natural phenomena but also helped them appreciate different environments around the world.

We are so excited to begin practicing for the Christmas show and to show off all our hard work to you during our upcoming parents evening. We are so proud of you COY class, keep shining in everything you do!"

COY - 22.11.24



Now to Mr Challinor’s music sessions…


"What a great start to the year for our musicians at Hollinwood Academy! The choir is in full voice preparing for Young Voices in the New Year, the Y10 option class are working hard to develop their performances skills on so many different instruments, and the primary classes are preparing for the Christmas Nativity – Honky Tonky Donkey!

Primary students have explored using music technology using our online learning platform Charanga along with their iPads, they even recorded their own rap! We have some great singers and glockenspiel players too – the children continue to impress Mr Challinor with their musical aptitude!

Year 7 students have been developing their understanding of the elements of music and developing their knowledge of notation to play some of their favourite tunes.

Year 8 have explored Dance Music and Reggae Music, using Garageband and Keyboards to play and create music in those styles. We also created our own DJ sets using the iDJ app, some of the choices of tunes really surprised Mr Challinor - not heard ‘Everybody Wants to Rule The World’ in a long time!

Year 9 have been exploring music for Video Games and Atmospheric music, understanding how music can help to create moods and atmospheres in games, TV, movies, and other visual media.

As mentioned earlier the Y10 option group have been hard at work developing their instrumental skills, we have drummers, guitarists, singers, violinists, pianists, ukulele players and bassists all in one room – it gets noisy at times! Students are also developing their composing skills, working individually or in small groups to make original music in the style of their choice."

Music (22.11.24)



Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We are Inspiring STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Benji for joining in his learning consistently at the table and some amazing work in maths drawing four sided shapes.

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Madilyn for the most amazing effort signing our Honky Tonky Donkey songs. Just brilliant Madilyn.

Miss Oakley’s STAR of the week is Kai for approaching his work with enthusiasm and always trying his best.

Miss Oakley’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Lyla for continuing to find powerful verbs in books she was reading for pleasure. Well done for using your learning outside of the lesson.

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is George for wearing his coat outside at playtime and my inspiring star is Euan for choosing to respond in a different manner to a challenging situation.

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Roman for trying his best to accept changes in routine.

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Teddy for engaging in decorating the Christmas tree and singing jingle bells with the class.

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Louis for some wonderful independent work on Super learning day.

Mr Corrigan’s HWA We are Inspiring star is Faiha for sharing when her friend was upset.

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Kai and Matthew. Swell done!

Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Anna for coping well with change and using her strategies to regulate her emotions.

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is Brooke for working incredibly hard at her spellings throughout the week.

Miss Tootill’s HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Alice for inspiring others to make the choices and being a kind friend.

Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Freya for working hard in phonics.

Miss Gittins’ HWA We are Inspiring STAR is Oscar for persevering with tricky tasks.

Miss Gittins’ Super Spellers are… Well done!


STARS of the Week (22.11.24)



As the weather turns colder, I want to take this opportunity to remind you where to look for information on days when there is snow and ice. If the weather conditions deteriorate and you are concerned school might be closed, then please view the school website each morning at: https://www.hollinwoodacademy.org/ for the most up to date information. The school Facebook account will also be updated. If your contact details are up to date with school, you should also receive a text and email if school is closing via Arbor. We will always do our utmost to open the school if it is safe to do so.


I hope you have a lovely weekend.


Mrs Millard