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HWA Blog - 20.9.24

In September 2021, Hollinwood Academy was awarded the Apple Distinguished Status and during the summer term last academic year, I had to re-apply for the Status and we have been recognised, again, as an Apple Distinguished School for the 2024–2027 program term. I could not be prouder!! Hollinwood Academy has been recognised for innovation, leadership, and educational excellence using technology.   

Apple Distinguished Schools are centres of leadership and educational excellence, with a clear vision for how technology-rich environments support learning goals. In Apple Distinguished Schools, forward-thinking leaders and their communities work to inspire, imagine, and impact teaching and learning, and they have documented results of academic accomplishments. 

Schools all over the world are using iPad and Mac to transform learning. As teachers incorporate technology into their lessons, they empower students to lead, learn, and thrive, to discover new opportunities, and to make their world a better place. We would not have been awarded this Status without the hard work and dedication of the staffing team that has gone into this achievement. 

When you come to our reception area, you will see our achievements celebrated… 


This week, we have started lesson observations, and it was truly lovely to be back in the classrooms observing our children and young people fully engaged and enjoying their learning across the school. Their enthusiasm and curiosity are always uplifting! This week, we have observed and number of English and Maths lessons as well as RSE and Talk for Writing. I am looking forward to seeing what next week brings too.  


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Miss Hulme’s class… 


"The children have all settled into their new class fantastically and we have already had such a great start to the year. Miss Amina and I are very much looking forward to the year ahead!  

In English this term we are focusing on the story ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl, which we learn through ‘Talk for Writing’. So far, we have delved deeper into the characters of Matilda focusing mainly on Miss Trunchbull and how she treats children and adults alike. The children thoroughly enjoyed sending an email to Miss Trunchbull asking her questions about why she acts the way she does, they were amazed to receive an email back and it was interesting to see how their perspectives of Miss Trunchbull changed after her response. We have also focused on showing, not telling, how characters are feeling. The children created some fabulous sentences based on this, showing us how the different characters were feeling.  

In Maths, we are focusing on place value. We have been working very hard to recognise the value of each digit in 6-figure numbers. We have also been looking at place value number lines and partially completed number lines. The children have been tasked with identifying points labelled on number lines and showing where a given number would lie. This has been a little tricky as we also have had to work out the approximate placement of numbers such as 245,678.  

In Science, our topic is forces. The children have so far learnt about friction and air resistance. We have started to plan an experiment to see whether the size of a parachute affects the time it takes to fall, and each made predictions based on this. The children have made their own parachutes using plastic bags, string, paper clips and Blu-tack. We will test these out on Monday and are very much looking forward to finding out the results and recording our findings.  

In History, we are looking at the Vikings. We have been focusing on whether the Vikings were raiders, traders, or settlers. We looked at the stereotypes of Vikings and then evaluated different sources of evidence to make our own inferences. We then decided whether we believed all Vikings were the same or whether some were just seeking a better life. The children unanimously decided that not all Vikings were bad.  

What a wonderful week we have had! "

CHE (20.9.24)


Now to Mrs Pott’s form… 

"Year 10 have now started their GCSE courses, options include Spanish or Geography, PE, Music or Food and Duke of Edinburgh, Photography or Art. 

Science has started with experiments, looking at osmosis. They were testing two vegetables in deionized and sugared water to test for osmosis. 

In English they are learning how to analyse different texts in preparation for their English Literature GCSE, one group have been analysing poems and the other have just started reading Lord of the Flies. 

Photography has been a new option this year and a couple of students have chosen it, they have been taking pictures of things around school that represent letters with the objective being that they then create a picture of their name. 

Music is another option appearing for the first time this year, the group are composing their own piece of music using a variety of instruments, some are using GarageBand while others are using the bass and guitar. 

Another option taken by some of the form is food, this week they have been practicing key skills required for the GCSE by dissecting a chicken. 

In Geography the group have been learning about rivers, how they are formed and the properties of them. 

The students have been cycling for the past couple of weeks for their P.E. lessons and have taken really well to it. They are practicing their skills in various sports, starting with cycling, and will be noting down what skills and tactics they have used as they have performed them, to forward progress in their GCSE coursework. 

In their PE lessons within school, we have been practicing throwing and catching with handball and dodgeball, as well as practicing their own preferred sports for some time at the end of lessons. 

For Duke of Edinburgh, our class have been walking around the trails and lakes at Castleshaw, getting familiar with the routes and environment in preparation for their hike in the summer. We have also gone over the proper way to travel over the trails on private land, and how to be respectful of the landowners by closing the gates and not damaging the property, as well as keeping safe when encountering strangers."


SPS (20.9.24)



Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We are Caring STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Benjamin for amazing sitting for learning and showing us his amazing cutting skills. 

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Nico for caring for his classmates and getting the toothbrushes for them. 

Miss Oakley’s STAR of the week is Abdul for great participation in our PSHRE lesson all around friendship. 

Miss Oakley’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Maya for always sharing, being kind and a wonderful member of the class. Thank you for always being you! 

Miss Bailey’s STAR of the week is Silva for great work in communication and some wonderful interactions with staff. 

Miss Bailey’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Oliver for building relationships with new adults and engaging well in attention autism sessions all week. 

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Riley for fantastic maths and artwork this week. 

Mrs Quinn’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Euan for sharing sensory resources with his peers in class, good waiting and tolerance of his peers’ feelings this week. 

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Roma for good waiting for her turn on the swing in the playground. Well done Roma! 

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Teddy for trying his best in class, completing tasks and following instructions. Amazing Teddy! 

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Stanley for wonderful communication this week (waving goodbye at home time). 

Mr Corrigan’s HWA We are Caring star is Lewis for being a caring friend this week. 

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Louis, Lewis and Faiha.  

Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Olly for becoming more independent when following his sensory circuit. 

Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Hadley for fantastic phonics work. 

Miss Gittins’ HWA We are Caring STAR is Oscar for trying his best and putting careful consideration into every piece of work this week! 

Miss Gittins’ Super Spellers are Joshua, Hadley, Lewis, Oscar and Freya! Well done! 

Miss Matthew’s STAR of the week is Jason for recognising when his friend needed a brain break. 

Miss Matthew’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Blaire for having great focus in lessons this week. 


STARS of the Week (20.9.24)


Scientists of the week is Tommy from Miss Lerigo’s class...



Well done to our secondary Hollinwood Academy STARs this week: 

Secondary STARS (20.9.24)



As always, a busy week at Hollinwood Academy.  


I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  

Mrs Millard