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HWA Blog – 17.11.2023


Today we celebrated Children in Need and it was lovely to see our children and young people wearing a yellow t-shirt, a spotty dress, or even yellow and spotty accessories to show their support for this important cause and make a positive impact in our local community. It’s safe to say that we created a vibrant and joyful atmosphere throughout the school.  


We have also celebrated ‘Super Learning Day’ by exploring different religions and how they celebrate charity in support of Children in Need. Each class at primary participated in small tasks, discussions and sharing personal experiences of how they help family, friends, people in the community and people around the world, whilst acknowledging how different religions promote charity. Our children embraced the opportunity to immerse themselves into creative activities and to fill each room with bursts of yellow. 

In secondary we looked at religious groups and their beliefs around charity. This was done alongside Children in need, and we are pleased to see some of the fabulous outfits and work the students have created. We also saw lots of food donated for the food bank. Thank you to everyone who has contributed and created another fabulous super learning day.   


This week, our KS4 students sat their Mock GCSE exams. On Thursday morning, they sat their English Language paper and on Friday morning our year 11 and some of year 10 students sat their Maths Paper 1 exam. The students worked extremely hard this week and the Mocks are a vital part of our students’ preparation for their actual GCSE examinations. Well done, keep working hard and I know you will approach next week with the same determination and resilience.  


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Mr Corrigan’s class… 

“In English this half term our Talk for Writing focus is suspense texts. Through crafts, actions and story maps, the book we are retelling is Stone Age Boy, by Satoshi Kitamura.


In Geography we are learning about how the earth is constructed. We have been ordering and labelling the different layers of the Earth, as well as learning key facts about each layer. 


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In Science we have been looking at what a healthy diet looks like. We have been grouping foods and learning what they do for us. This week we have been recording our favourite fruit in a block diagram and analysing the data. 

Our PSHRE topic is Health and Wellbeing; looking at our characteristics and how things make us feel. This week we likened ourselves to animals and discussed what qualities we share.


In Art we have been mixing and experimenting with the three primary colours, discovering what colours they make and where we can find them in the world. 

In ICT the children are learning about algorithms and how some things must be done in the right order. This week we used the school zebra crossings to learn an algorithm to help us when crossing a road.”

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Now to Mrs Potts’ form… 

I know the blog is to talk about what the form have been up to this week, however, I felt we needed to mention something that happened last week. Last Friday 9SPS and Hollinwood Academy said goodbye to Miss McKenna. She has been a teaching assistant for 6 years and with the form since they started in year 7.  She will be missed by us all but we wish her good luck in her new intervention role at her local secondary school. 

To commemorate Armistice Day last week, we decorated our classroom door, Mrs Bluck, Miss Connor, Miss Jewitt and Mr McGarvey did a great job. 

Now onto what we have been up to. In Food this week the class had a theory assessment based on the practical lesson they have had, they have been studying gelatinisation and have been making custard tarts. We have some creative souls in the form and they have been enjoying music, using GarageBand to compose their own tunes. Leo has a particular talent for the drums. PE is one of the least popular subjects for a few in the form but those that do enjoy it have been learning the necessary skills to play cricket and rugby.   

The last few weeks has been a busy time in Maths and English where the class have been completing their Entry Level Functional Skills qualifications, I think it’s safe to say they have done well. 

In Science the class have been looking at energy efficiency and setting Miss Boutell on fire. Speaking of Science Miss Boutell has awarded Leo star of the week for “pushing himself seeking new challenges”. In Outdoor Education the class ventured to Asda to practice their skills of shopping and budgeting.”


Now to Miss Waterman’s form… 

“We’ve come back from half term and made great progress in CWN across all subjects and have been working on individual targets and implementing a new variety of life skills lessons. We’ve welcomed a new student into our sensory and preparation for learning activities which the whole class has enjoyed!  

This terms topic is Our Wonderful World, looking at wonders of the world. So far, we’ve used a map to highlight where in the world our wonders are and have visited the Pyramids of Giza, travelling back to Ancient Egypt to learn about its creation, and down to Australia for The Great Barrier Reef. We’ve had lots of different fun activities to learn all about these wonders and look forward to visiting The Great Wall of China, The Amazon Rainforest, Leaning Tower of Pisa and The Empire State Building before finishing our travels in Lapland for Christmas. The students have especially enjoyed linking Food Tech with Ms Duffy to different areas of the world; can’t wait to see what other delicious recipes they create over the term.  

We have linked our Science work in PSHRE by exploring the human body, hygiene and positive well-being. We’ve looked at parts of the body and their uses, the importance of keeping ourselves clean, teeth brushing, how germs grow and how they spread. The students enjoyed a small experimental activity to see how germs are spread and how soap can project germs away.  

Some of our life skills we’ve combined with our group maths sessions and have been running our CWN café. The students have been given money to sort and give the correct amount to purchase snacks or equipment for class. We also created shopping lists for Outdoor Education when visiting the supermarkets, replicated food items for our class shop in art, and introduced a home lesson where we’ve looked at items in the home and dangers of items.  

Music has been a highlight of this term as all students have really enjoyed using the ‘boomwhackers’, following a tutorial online called ‘Sweet Beatz’. The students have worked together and shared equipment brilliantly during music this term!  

In Project we have been looking at work skills, we prepared and created items for a party within class and have been litter picking across school grounds; previously our project was Healthy Body, Healthy Minds looking at different ways to keep our bodies and minds healthy. We’re looking forward to creating some Christmas magic at the school fayre. 

We had a lovely morning today for Children in Need with the focus being on Charity! As we head into the last 6 weeks of our final winter term as CWN, we have 2 class birthdays and Christmas to look forward to celebrating!”


Now to Mr Gold’s science lessons… 

“This week year 7 have been learning about the particle model and changes of state. As part of this topic they have been carrying out a scientific investigation into how temperature effects the rate of diffusion by answering the question “What is the best temperature to make a cup of tea?” 

Year 8 have been learning about the elements and the periodic table. They have been learning how the periodic table is arranged and the properties of the elements in the different groups. They have been able to observe and record how some of the elements react and use that information to work out the reactivity series. 

Year 9 have just finished a topic on energy. They have been learning how electrical energy is generated and how different forms of energy are transferred from one form to another. They have enjoyed being able to carry out lots of practical investigations during this topic. 

The year 10’s and 11’s have continued working hard on their GCSE combined science course. The year 10’s have also just completed a topic on energy and the year 11’s have been learning about genetics and how living things have evolved due to genetic variation.”


Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA Caring STARs 

Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Louie for amazingly accurate overwriting of the sounds we have been doing this week. 

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Ethan for being inspirational in lessons, speaking out and engaging in his learning. 

Miss Bramley’s STAR of the week is Harry for settling in so well.  

Miss Bramley’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Abdul for his toilet training.  

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Roman for clearly expressing his opinion about likes and dislikes. Well done! 

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Roma trying new foods every day! Well done! 

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Olly for a great contribution in his maths work this week which was very fitting as it maths week in England and my most inspiring star this week goes to Kai for a eureka moment, he chose the correct visual matched to the weather on Thursday! 

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Maya for being brilliant in transitions and always ready to learn. 

Mr Corrigan’s HWA Inspiring star is Lewis for inspiring his friends this week with positive messages. 

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Faiha and Simisola. Well done! 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s STAR of the week is Logan for always helping the teachers at the end of the day to tidy the classroom. 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Xander and always making the right choices and setting a good example. 

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s WOW moments go to Jason. Well done! 

Miss Hulme’s STAR of the week is Thomas for having an amazing first week in his new school and settling in well to class.  

Miss Hulme’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Jared for creating a beautiful cenotaph, cross and poppies out of lego and leaving this at the cenotaph. Also, for planning to bake cakes to raise funds for Children In Need. How inspiring!!! 

Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Ethan for becoming more confident when using his words. 

Miss Matthew’s STAR of the week is Lucas for giving some great answers in Science! 

Miss Matthew’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Rafael for beginning to overcome one of his personal targets and to have more confidence in his own abilities. 

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is Jackson for listening to others and coping well with change.  

Miss Tootill’s HWA Inspiring STAR is Connor for inspiring others to work hard.  


Well done to our secondary Hollinwood Academy STARs this week: 



On Sunday, we are taking our girls to Old Trafford to watch the first Women’s football Derby being played. My eldest is looking forward to seeing Mary Earps make some saves and my youngest is looking forward to shouting and cheering Ella Toone on. 

I hope you have a lovely weekend too. 

Mrs Millard