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HWA Blog - 13.9.24


What a fantastic full week we have had back. Let’s see what everyone has been doing as they have settled into the new academic year… 


Mrs Lerigo’s class… 

Reception Class have had an amazing first two weeks at Hollinwood Academy. It can be daunting to join a new environment, but the new students have risen to the challenge and have settled well in to school life. We have had lots of smiles and the children have been happy and running into school. 

They have particularly enjoyed sitting for Attention Autism and have all laughed and giggled at the toys that have come out from the bucket. The children all engaged and to say I am proud would be an understatement.  

Our topic this half term is “Head to Toe”. We will be learning lots about our bodies and investigating what parts of the body are used for different functions. We will also be painting and drawing our faces and looking in detail at the differences in the faces of each other.  

We are looking forward to week 3 and getting to know the children better over the next few weeks and watching all their little personalities develop, which I am sure will keep us on our toes.  

Well done reception class cannot wait to experience lots of adventures with you.   

Miss Emma  


Mrs Sutcliffe’s class… 

We have loved getting to know the children over the last week and a half. They are getting used to their new routines now and we have been so impressed with their focus and excitement to learn. We are looking forward to getting to know them even better over the next few weeks! Keep it up Class CSF! 


Miss Oakley’s class… 

I am so proud of your return back to school; you have blown my socks off with your knowledge and maturity coming back to school. Keep up the amazing work and let's have a great year! Miss Chloe, Miss Emily and Miss Jess. 


Miss Bailey’s class… 

RBA class have settled back into school brilliantly! We have been busy getting to know our new friends and have had lots of fun exploring our class story - The Gingerbread Man. 


Miss Pietraszewska’s class… 

The children have transitioned smoothly back into the school routine, quickly adapting to their schedules. Their enthusiasm for learning is evident as they are actively engaging in class activities. We look forward to what this academic year brings! 


Mr Corrigan’s class… 

What a great start to the new school year. The children loved our session in the soft play area and we are looking forward to these weekly sessions.  


Miss Hulme’s class… 

What a fabulous start to the year we have had! The children have all settled into their new class fantastically and are already producing some amazing work. I am so excited for the year ahead and I’m sure we will have lots of fun along the way!  


Mrs Davies’ class… 

We’ve had a great couple of weeks, I’m so proud of how the children have settled back into school. I can’t wait to see what this academic year has in store for us. 


Miss Tootill’s class… 

Wow! What a super crazy, busy start to our new academic year in Miss Tootill’s class. We have welcome 6 children into our immersive and interactive room, and we hope this year is filled with laughter, learning and the chance to showcase every personal achievement. We can’t wait to share our learning with you.  


Miss Gittins’ class… 

Class RGS have had a busy few days of learning and have settled back into our classroom very quickly! We’ve had a great start to all of our lessons and the children are engaged and ready to learn – I am definitely looking forwards to seeing what we can create this year. 


Miss Matthew’s class… 

At the end of our first two weeks back, our team is immensely proud of all the effort and hard work the children have demonstrated. They have engaged with Year 5/6 maths, explored our new Talk 4 Writing book, ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, and begun writing recounts. Additionally, the children have mapped key events in our WWII topic and initiated their art projects on the war while also participating in code-breaking activities during ICT lessons. 


Mr Gold’s form… 

The students have settled in amazingly and have adopted well with the challenges moving up to secondary and forming friendship groups within the school. They are engaging really well in their learning, and they have a very positive attitude to their curriculum subjects and over all they have adjusted well to their new environment, and we couldn’t be prouder of our students. 


Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s form… 

Here in year 7 CML/VBD we have had a wonderful first few weeks back. The children have settled so well into year 7. We are excited for the year ahead.  


Mrs Whalley form… 

It has been wonderful welcoming back the students in 8DWY, it has also been lovely to welcome 2 new students to the form and Hollinwood Academy.   

Here are our students receiving their Food Safety certificates. 

 Well done 8DWY! 

Mrs Whalley, Miss Mills and Miss Bibi 


Miss Hobson’s form… 

This week for NHN has been incredibly strong. We welcomed a new student to the form and she has fit in amongst the others exceptionally well! Friendships have been formed and are continuing to blossom and this term we have put an emphasis on mental health and wellbeing. The form has arrived back focused and ready to learn, excelling in my History and RSE lessons whilst demonstrating a mature attitude to work I could not be happier with their start to the term. Keep excelling 9NHN!  


Miss Gordon’s form… 

9AGN have had a great first, full week back at school. In cooking, they made delicious cupcakes independently, following a recipe. In English, they have started learning about the Gothic Genre. In maths they have started learning about straight line graphs. In history, we have gone back in time to learn about World War 1. We are so excited to learn more this term. 


Mrs Cowling’s form… 

10SCG have settled in really well and have had a fantastic first full week back at school! Having started all their GCSE options, students have been really productive in exploring their interests in option subjects. In Music, students attempted to make a beat of a chorus where they had the opportunity to fine tune their guitar skills! 


Mrs Potts’ form… 

We welcome back form SPS who are now in Year 10 and are working towards their GCSE’s.  I’ve got to start with congratulating Leo on achieving GCSE grade 5-4 in Science over the summer.  Well done Leo we are all proud of you. 


The start of the new academic year has brought changes, we said goodbye to Mrs Bluck and Miss Jewitt who have moved on to another school in the trust and we wish them good luck. This move has meant we have welcomed 3 new TA’s to the class, Miss Tunney, Mr McGoldrick and Mr Ashford.  Mr Leeson has also joined the form a form tutor.  We look forward to watching the class make progress with their support. 


Miss Rashid’s form… 

A big welcome back to our Vision hub students. What a positive start to the Autumn term! As they are now in KS4, students have chosen their own options lesson. It has been great to watch them engage well with a subject they are passionate about I know we will see significant progression within those subjects. I wish all our students a happy new academic year and I am excited to see what opportunities this year bring for us. 


Ms Nuttall’s form… 

11NNL have settled back into school life really week over the last week. We have picked up right where we left off before the summer; starting with presenting research projects in ICT about the history of different kinds of media, and our art students have been continuing with their person projects as part of their coursework. 


Miss Boutell’s form… 

Since coming back from the summer break form 11MBL have shown great concentration, maturity and independence. Each student has been on task, in all lessons, showing a positive ‘can do’ attitude to learning. Across the secondary corridor they have shown support to their peers and guidance to the pupils who have transitioned from primary. Well done 11MBL, keep up the good work.  


Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA We are Caring STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Nico for writing the most amazing letter ‘a’ and saying “Round the apple down the leaf”. 

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Gabriel for being the sweetest most polite young man and smiling at everyone he meets. 

Miss Bailey’s STARs of the week are the whole class for settling well into their new class. 

Miss Bailey’s HWA We are Caring STAR is Noel for being a good friend and playing well alongside his peers. 

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Ohud for coping well in his new class whilst his parents were away this week. My caring star is Basil for adapting well to the new routines in his class. 

Miss Pietraszewska’s STARs of the week are the whole class an amazing transition back to school! Well done everyone! 

Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is William for trying really hard to remember to use his symbols to request a desired object. 

Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Joshua for excellent contributions in History. 

Miss Gittins’ HWA We are Caring STAR is Freya for being a kind friend to others in the playground. 

Miss Gittins’ Super Spellers this week are Caitlin, Joshua, Lewis and Hadley. 

Miss Gittins’ WOW moments go to Freya and Oscar. 

Miss Matthews’ STAR of the week is Jack for trying his best in every lesson.  

Miss Matthews’ HWA We are Caring STAR is David for being a caring friend .

STARS of the Week (13.9.24)


Scientist of the week is Zachary from Miss Oakley’s class 😊 



AMAZING! I can’t wait to see what happens this week.  


Mrs Millard