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HWA Blog - 12.01.2024


Happy New Year everyone and welcome to the Spring term. I hope you had a fabulous Christmas break and it was lovely to welcome the children and young people back this week full of spirit and stories.

As I walked around the school to welcome everybody back, I called into Mrs Davies and Mrs Matthews’ classes to award some children their Head Teacher’s Awards as they were absent from school on the last day of term.

Well done.

The Spring term is the shortest term we have but by all means it will be full of exciting topics across various subjects. We also have the year 8 Disney residential in March and we are busy finalising the finer details. Families will be welcomed into school for an information session and here we will answer any questions that you have, and you will also get the meet the staff who will be accompanying the students on the trip. Also, our primary families will receive the Spring 1 class newsletters next week. If you have any questions, please speak to your child’s class teacher. 

This week, we have welcomed Miss Bailey and Mrs Mayers to Hollinwood Academy. Miss Bailey is a class teacher at primary and Mrs Mayers is a class teacher in secondary and it has been great to see the children and young people getting to know their new teachers. It has also been great to see the teachers in action in the classroom.

On Thursday, our year 11 students were invited to a NatWest Careers workshop where they had an opportunity to ask questions face to face with an employee. Thanks to Rebecca, Niamh and Ryan who gave up their time to come to us to explain about their career journey and to let us know what kind of careers are available at NatWest. Our students were given real life scenarios where they became an entrepreneur to make sensible business decisions and look into ways to be more sustainable.


Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA Innovating STARs

Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Abu-Bakr for coming into school and working hard with his friends.

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA Innovating STAR is Ethan for amazing drawing of a polar bear.

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Diana for taking part in morning routines, singing with others, and using her voice more confidently on a daily basis. Well done!

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA Innovating STAR is Alfie for leading and encouraging the group in singing and dancing during our daily songs! So proud of you!

Miss Oakley’s STAR of the week is Basil for being so brave during the flu vaccinations.

Miss Oakley’s HWA Innovating STAR is Silva for great mixing skills, helping little red hen make bread dough.

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is William who sang a song for the FIRST EVER time this week and my innovative star is Riley for brushed his teeth for the FIRST EVER time at school this week.

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Faiha for working really hard in maths this week.

Mr Corrigan’s HWA Innovating star is Lewis for developing his independence and being ready for table work.

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Maya, Faiha and Simisola. Well done!

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s STAR of the week is Jason for his positive attitude all week and trying his best.

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s HWA Innovating STAR is Loki for his innovative light box creation.

Miss Hulme’s STAR of the week is Freya for fabulous English work.

Miss Hulme’s HWA Innovating STAR is Brooke for contributing some fantastic ideas and knowledge to our Art lesson.

Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Arissa for having no accidents when toilet training this week. We’re so proud of her!

Miss Matthew’s STAR of the week is Lucas for engaging in all lessons and putting full effort into everything he has done– well done!

Miss Matthew’s HWA Innovating STAR is Gerard for giving some amazing scientific explanations based on his own research of light.

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is Zack for having a great first week back.

Miss Tootill’s HWA Innovating STAR is Millie for her innovating T4W story.

Well done to our secondary Hollinwood Academy STARs this week:


As the mornings and evenings are darker we may experience some colder and icier weather too. If we experience heavy snow and ice my priority is always the safety for the children, young people and staff. All decisions are taken around that concern. There may be extreme circumstances when it is necessary to close the school. I would only take that decision if the student’s and staff’s safety are put at risk because:

•There are not enough staff in school because of unexpected snow/weather conditions

•The weather makes it too dangerous for staff and students to travel to school

•The grounds are too dangerous

•The heating/hot water is not working

•School dinners are not available

I will try to make a decision about school closure as soon as possible and will inform parents through Arbor, a message on the school website, social media, local radio stations and through Oldham Council’s website www.oldham.gov.uk (School Closures). Please can you ensure we have up to date contact details so you receive any news as soon as possible.

After school club may be cancelled when the weather is poor too. We will contact parents via Arbor.

During the winter period, if it is safe to do so, the children and young people will spend some time outside playing in the snow. This means the students will need wellingtons or sturdy boots plus a change of footwear and spare socks for inside. Also ensure your child is well wrapped up with a thick coat, hat, gloves and scarves.


I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Mrs Millard