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HWA Blog - 10.5.24


All I can say is…

Hollinwood Academy continues to be an outstanding school!

I am extremely proud of this positive Ofsted outcome, which is a testament to the dedication, hard work and commitment of our staffing team, the support of our parents and carers, and of course our wonderful children and young people. If you have not yet seen our Ofsted report, it can be found here:

 Ofsted Report


Hollinwood Academy will continue to build on our successes and uphold our high expectations, so we get the best offer, outcomes and destinations for our children and young people.

We certainly have lots to be proud of this week as our KS1 children have sat their SATs and our year 11 students have completed their first GCSE exam, Biology, today and they have all shown great resilience and hard work – well done to everyone.

Next week, we have more GCSEs exams and KS2 SATs – another busy week ahead and I know our children and young people will work hard and do themselves and us proud!


On Tuesday, Scott McKeown from New Bridge College came and spoke to all Year 10 students to show them the pathways available at College. Students were really engaged asking lots of questions. We are looking at visiting college during the summer term to have a look around. 

Our Year 11 Oldham College leavers met Julie on Tuesday to continue their transition for September, they discussed how they might get to college and looked at a typical day. 

On Thursday, some of our Year 11's met Nicola Nelson to discuss their transition needs and request additional visits to look at their curriculum areas. We hope to be putting on some extra visits for those who need it.


Let’s see what some of the classes have been doing starting with Miss Gittin’s class…


"We’ve had a busy week in RGS! I think Maths may have been a favourite lesson – we’ve been learning about fractions. The children cut some chocolate muffins from wholes, into halves and quarters. Then enjoyed sharing these equally! This type of learning has also supported our AET framework and EHCP step targets, such as working as part of a group, following instructions and taking turns. The children played some counting games together. They were brilliantly patient and kind to one another. 

In our targeted support lessons we’ve focused on Spellings, Punctuation and Grammar. The children have been modifying verbs with adverbs. So far, we have learned that most adverbs end in “ly”, and you can have adverbials of time, place, or manner. This is a very tricky concept – so we organised into groups. We hope this will extend our creative writing, and this brings us on to English!"

We have been reading the story “That’s Okay” by Chris Dixon using Talk for Writing. This explores different emotions. We have continued using “The Power of 3” to write our sentences – and we have created different Monsters and given them carefully selected character names that hint at their personality, such as “Angry Alan”. We are going to create a new story based on our own Monster.

We love Talk for Writing in RGS, the children are empowered and motivated to work independently as it’s something they enjoy. With this in mind, we’ve had some cross-curricular fun and introduced this into our History lessons. So far, we’ve created fact files about The Wright Brothers, Bessie Coleman and Amelia Earhart! It’s fantastic! Our word of the week has been “Significant”, and the children can tell you that it means “very important to remember”.

We’ve also looked at the different forces that work together to make an aeroplane fly. In Friday’s lesson, we looked at ‘lift’ and made a piece of paper move – without touching it! We’ve also had to follow very specific, step by step instructions to make our own paper aeroplanes for our flying competition! We plan to measure using a ruler or meter stick how far each of the planes fly – I wonder who will win?!

We’ve also introduced new spellings this week, all the children are progressing nicely and try their best to be a Friday Super Speller. Practice, practice, practice is the only way! So, we use Spelling Shed every day. I also know the children enjoy completing their spellings at home, too.

Soft Play is always fun – it’s a lovely Wednesday treat and really breaks the week up for the Children.

As we’ve seen such a lovely change in the weather, we’ve also managed to get outside for some much-needed brain breaks and fresh air. Long may it continue!

For our Y6’s, we will soon be starting a transitions process as they leave us to start a new journey at Secondary School. I have had the pleasure of teaching the current Y6 Nurture children for 2 years and can honestly say we will miss them all greatly and expect wonderful things for them. We can’t quite believe another academic year is nearly at an end, which we will end on a high, as we have some exciting School trips to look forward to. Bring it on!"

RGS - 10.5.24



Now to Mrs Cowling’s form…


"9SCG have had a wonderful week and have been very busy this term, considering their GCSE options in which everyone has enjoyed delving into their interests. 


This week in English, the focus has been on Identifying language techniques in various texts. Students have been looking at personification, metaphors, simile and imagery. Tasks have involved identifying these in texts such as “Roog” and interpreting the effect they have on readers. Students have also been creative in using these in their own stories as part of narrative writing. These included beginnings, build up, middle and ending to utilise imagination and language techniques. Some amazing stories were written with excellent progress made in writing.

Outdoor Education

This term in Outdoor Education, 9SCG took part in cycling on a bike track. It was a great opportunity for students to get outside and engage within the community. Having used a wide range of bikes, they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves! I am also extremely proud with how they engage with members of the public showing friendliness and being considerate. We will be carrying on with cycling again next week, hopefully in the sun!


In Computing, the class have been obtaining pictures in various forms of medieval, Victorian and Roman Britain. After this, they have been utilising specialised editing software Photo plus X8 to edit and modify images. They did this as part of their assignment acting as a graphic designer for a games company. Their task was to make a unique loading screen for their game in which they excelled greatly.


In Food Technology, the students made some delightful Jam Crumble tarts! They acquired ingredients needed and followed their step by step process. Students in SCG have made excellent progress as each week they work independently in all processes in food preparation, work safely and make delicious treats!"

SCG - 10.5.24



Now to Mr Leeson’s PE lessons…


"During PE, we have started various new topics and sports. Our communication and key stage 1 classes have been focusing on their fundamental skills. We have been able to develop our balancing skills. We have achieved this by using our new balance bikes. We have been able to ride the bikes with support and independently.

Key stage 2 and year 10 have been developing their cricket skills. We have been able to use the correct technique to catch a ball and stop a rolling ball and using the long and short barrier. We have started to move on to hitting a ball using the correct technique focusing on accuracy and power.

Year 7 have been playing hockey in their PE lessons. We have understood the correct dribbling technique which has allowed us to move and change direction at speed. We have also been able to develop our passing techniques so that we can pass with power and accuracy. Finally, all students have enjoyed some competitive games which have improved our tackling skills.

Year 8 and year 11 students have been playing rounders. We have developed our catching and fielding skills. Also, we have been able to understand the various rules of the game and them implement them into competitive matches. All students have developed an in-depth understanding which has led them to develop tactics and strategies to try and win.

Year 9 have been developing their badminton skills. We have been able to hit a shuttlecock successfully and consistently using the correct technique. We have then progressed on to using the overhead clear shot and being able to do this at the correct time within a game.

Overall, each student has engaged really well in PE and has had a positive attitude to learning. We have motivated each other exceptionally well and pushed each other to achieve their best during lessons."

BLN - 10.5.24



Now to our amazing SUPER STARs and HWA Passionate STARs...


Mrs Lerigo’s STAR of the week is Louie for being more adventurous at lunch time trying a varied selection of foods presented to him.

Mrs Lerigo’s HWA Passionate STAR is Effy for being super passionate creating her pirate spyglass, whilst simultaneously painting her beautiful dress

Miss Pietraszewska’s STAR of the week is Alfie for doing so great with his speech and reading some words! Wow! Well done!

Miss Pietraszewska’s HWA Passionate STAR is Roman for his passion to trains and trams and being able to name and draw them! Well done!

Miss Oakley’s STAR of the week is George for excellent work in our communication lessons, using the symbols without support.

Miss Oakley’s HWA Passionate STAR is Basil for being passionate and enjoying taking turns in stage 3 of attention autism.

Miss Bailey’s STAR of the week is Ohud for Great work during all sessions and using lots of new language.

Miss Bailey’s HWA Passionate STAR is Noel for Participating in all of our activities this week with enthusiasm and playing beautifully with his friends.

Mrs Quinn’s STAR of the week is Olly for transitioning well to the dining hall with a different class this week.

Mrs Quinn’s HWA Passionate STAR is Riley for his great concentration during his Talk for Writing lesson on Tuesday.

Mr Corrigan’s STAR of the week is Faiha for wonderful communication this week (using sentences and answering questions).

Mr Corrigan’s HWA Passionate star is Stanley for great engagement in Attention Autism this week.

Mr Corrigan’s WOW moments go to Simisola. Well done!

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s STAR of the week is Shane for always having a positive attitude and being engaged in his learning.

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s HWA Passionate STAR is Jason for being passionate about friendship and always cheering his friends up.

Miss Boothroyd and Miss McDonald’s Dojo winner is Blaire. Well done!


Mrs Davies’ STAR of the week is Daniel for coping with change this week.

Mrs Davies’ HWA Passionate STAR is Maleek for playing with his friends during afternoon break.

Miss Gittins’ STAR of the week is Zakariya for excellent engagement and learning all week.

Miss Gittins’ HWA Passionate STAR is Hadley for persevering in History and working as part of a group.

Miss Matthew’s STAR of the week is Ebon for thinking of others in the canteen when everyone sang happy birthday and he didn’t want his friends to be upset with the noise level!

Miss Matthew’s HWA Passionate STAR is Rafael for settling into his new maths class so quickly!

Miss Tootill’s STAR of the week is Jake for being positive towards his learning.

Miss Tootill’s HWA Passionate STAR is Fatima for a fantastic attitude in maths.


STARS of the Week (10.5.24)



The scientist of the week is Lyla.



It has been lovely to see staff taking their teaching and learning outside and the children and young people have embraced this. I hope the sun continues to shine this weekend.


Mrs Millard