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National Story Week 2024

Children and young people from Hollinwood Academy enthusiastically participated in the National Story Week, a highly anticipated event that celebrates storytelling and encourages creativity. During this week, children and young people embraced their writing strengths and demonstrated their incredible abilities through various mediums.


National Story Week at Hollinwood Academy was a resounding success, where children and young people unleashed their creative potential. Through their writing strengths and various artistic mediums, they crafted remarkable stories that enthralled and inspired. This event has undoubtedly sparked a life-long love for storytelling and nurtured their literary abilities.

Here are just a few examples of the stories written by the children and young people at Hollinwood Academy.


Renico - Class HMS


Class GBY



 Class LTO

class lto.pdf


 Class RGS

class rgs.pdf


Alex F - Class 10ADS

alex fletcher 10ads.pdf


Alex G - Class 10ADS

alex gwilliam 10 ads.pdf


Rosie - Class 8AGN



Bailey - Class 7HMA 

baileymorris 7roch.pdf

Dekon - Class 11SUA

dekon toone 11sua.pdf


Hasnain - Class 7HBY

hasnain amir y7 hby.pdf

 Josh - Class 10ADS

josh richmond 10ads.pdf


Liam B - Class 10 ADS

liam brown 10ads.pdf


Liam M - Class 10 ADS

liam major 10 ads.pdf


Nina - Class 11SSN

nina nisbet 11ssn.pdf


Olivia - Class 11RJO

ogh 11rjo 3.pdf

 Sofia - Class 7DWY

sofia horsfall 7 dwy.pdf


Alexis - Class 9GDY

alexis laurence 9 gdy part two.pdf



Sofia - Class 8AAR

image 20240131 145140 a1ca852b.pdf


Kaden - Class 8SCG

kds 1 .pdf


Daniel - Class 8AAR



Ethan - Class 7HBY

ethan moore y7 hby.pdf


Harry - Class 7HBY

harry burton y7 hby 1 .pdf


Nabiha - Class RGS

nabiha begum y6rgs.pdf


 Marcus - Class OYG


 Harley - Well Being Hub
